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Sometimes it sucks to be a chosen one-INTIMIDATOR by @CariSilverwood

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Intimidator (Preyfinders, #2)

by Cari Silverwood


 This is Book 2 in the new Preyfinder series. Book 1, Precious Sacrifice, is currently in the anthology, Kept. Willow has her hands full scraping out a life in a grungy neighborhood where drugs and crime are the norm. Life is hard, but it's about to get harder. Being transformed into a sexual pet for an alien warrior may be her only way out. But Stom, the man she's been awarded to as a battle honor, has no use for a female, not when his heart is still in a million pieces. Though the need to be Stom's mate is overwhelming her, mending his heart isn't going to be enough. His enemies are searching, looking for the women who are more than they seem, but she's in their hands before she discovers she's more-than-human. Sometimes it sucks to be a chosen one. goodreads11-1024x409

Scifi and Kinky Capture Fantasies
Are you secretly in love with the idea of being whisked away and ravished by an alien?
Never fear, most of those who read alpha male romances are on the same sort of track. There’s something super sexy about a man who is willing to chase after you and make you his. In scifi stories almost anything goes. You can rewrite and twist the morals of the alien man to suit your story. All we need is a dash of poetic license, a big helping of menacing alien man with a thing for the heroine, and a lady who’s willing to think past the strange appearance and customs of her lover from the stars.
Think of all those pirate stories and sheik and highlander stories where the woman is kidnapped, yes, I do believe this is another variation on the theme.
If you’re also into fantasy and science fiction, even better. If you love action stories with plots that hinge on grand events that will shape the future of humankind, we’re getting warmer.
My Preyfinder series aims to satisfy the geek in readers. It’s for the adventurous reader who wants to take that dive into a place of wonder, and get their romance addiction prescription filled at the same time.
To get there, we have to begin with my people in sad places though. Their world is filled with more misery and tragedy than happiness. Not much is right.
But it’s the journey in stories that makes it worth getting to the ending.
The wind came from where the sun bleached the horizon, fluttering the ashes higher off the scorched ground, a bitter flock of blackness that clouded the sky for miles. Stom sucked in a breath through his mask. Unlike the trail of ten fighting men who swept out to his left and right, he’d removed his helmet – the goggles and the mask with a breathing filter was it. He needed the touch of the breeze on his face, no matter how acrid.
On his retinal map, there was a tiny green triangle at this spot. This had once been his home.
Nasskia, little Bon, and her older brother Septis would lie here, somewhere, buried underneath the ash at his feet.
Tragedy shapes our lives. Sometimes it makes us stronger. Sometimes it just makes us bitter and angry. Stom has lost his one true love and his children to the enemy. He’s vowed never to forget them and he’s gone off to war, to kill. So when he’s given the chance to take a woman from Earth as his pet, he finds the idea repulsive. Only what’s he to do when he finds out she will die unless he makes her his?
Figuring out his own head isn’t easy, so when the enemy turns up on our planet, and wants to conquer it, Stom is not a happy alien.
Though Stom and Talia from Intimidator may be heading for love and a Happily Ever After, to get there they have to confront not just their own inner failings but imminent death or something worse. These pesky aliens don’t just want to conquer the universe, they want humans and our brains on their side. But they particularly want Willow, because she is special.
If only they’d been warned. Special people can get nasty when you bother them, and Willow has Stom and the Preyfinders on her side.

Book 1, Precious Sacrifice, (which is part of the Kept anthology) can be purchased here:
buy links
ARe / Amazon / Smashwords

Stom has been observing Willow at a pub, waiting for his chance to kiss her, so he can claim her.
He’d follow after a few minutes, see where she went. Then Stom’s warrior-enhanced hearing picked up a small shriek, far away, but close enough to be just outside this building.
As he ran for the door behind the bar, hurdling the counter and sweeping glasses and bottles to the floor with the tail of his coat, he left behind a thunder of smashing glass. People yelled for him to stop. But out of all this, apart from his anxiety over her safety, his one other concern was that he’d recognized that cry. Anyone else he’d seen here tonight could sing an entire song and he’d not know who it was.
Why was this so?
Be inconspicuous? So he guessed that meant he shouldn’t use the twin 357 Magnums he wore in a double underarm holsters, or the sub-compact Heckler & Koch MP5 slung at his back beneath the coat, or the... Pity. He could make such a mess with all these neat human weapons.
On his way through the kitchen, he snatched up a bunch of knives and forks and stuck them into a pocket.
He thrust open the back door and counted back the number of spectators he’d run past. Five, minus whoever was outside. It would do. He could hear the two men somewhere around the corner murmuring threats at Willow. He growled and stalked forward. If he killed these two, maybe that meant he didn’t have to count them?
The brick wall of the pub dog-legged to the right and he followed it into a short alley. At the far end, past a half-open dumpster, was a quiet street with a warehouse and a few cars. One insect-shrouded streetlight shed meager light. He kept going past the dumpster and found them.
They had her backed into a double door, with Turf holding her wrists above her head. Skull-head had his palm over her mouth and was shoving her T-shirt up above her bra. She was trying to kick them and screaming muffled curses. The man removed his palm from her face long enough to slap her hard, once.
A rage like he’d not felt for eons shrieked in and tore his notions of serenity into scrap-sized pieces.

Author Bio
 Cari Silverwood is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of BDSM stories and dark erotic fiction. She writes the way the world should be - dangerous and sexy with bullets piercing the darkness and lovers wrenched close by ropes. When you need escape, when you need that rough lover to bring you to your knees, here you will find stories to singe your fingers. The taste of adventure, the tang of BDSM, the burn of fantasy run wild. Brace yourselves, if you dare to read. this real world, she has a lovely family in Australia, with the prerequisite teenager who dwells in the dark bedroom catacombs...a husband who raises eyebrows when he catches glimpses of what she writes, and a menagerie of other animals barking, meowing, and swimming about the place.
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