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#BookReview: Intimidator by @CariSilverwood #Scifi #Romance

This is Book 2 in the new Preyfinder series.
Book 1, Precious Sacrifice, is currently in the anthology, Kept.

Willow has her hands full scraping out a life in a grungy neighborhood where drugs and crime are the norm. Life is hard, but it's about to get harder. Being transformed into a sexual pet for an alien warrior may be her only way out.

But Stom, the man she's been awarded to as a battle honor, has no use for a female, not when his heart is still in a million pieces.

Though the need to be Stom's mate is overwhelming her, mending his heart isn't going to be enough. His enemies are searching, looking for the women who are more than they seem, but she's in their hands before she discovers she's more-than-human.

Sometimes it sucks to be a chosen one.

Kay's review

I've been feeling ill for a few days so my reviews are behind schedule at the moment. My brain is not quite engaging at the moment. But I hope you will bear with me.

Anyway, on to my review:

Intimidator is marked as a Scifi and kinky captive fantasy romance which is why I signed up to review it. I'm enjoying scifi romance at the moment as you can see from my last review of another scifi romance.

I have to give the author full marks on the scifi elements on this one. It would seem that aliens have invaded Australia (makes a change from the usual stories of aliens invading America. LOL) And the queen mothers (my brain is fried, I can't remember what the queen thingy were called) live underground and capture humans who they alter into their minions.

Enter the good aliens who've been fighting the bad ones from one planet to another. After his last battle success, Stom, an alien warrior, is awarded a prize--Willow. He can capture her and turn her into his pet. Except, Stom doesn't want a pet. He made a promise to his dead spouse never to take another. But he has to take the woman or lose face or something.

So he sees Willow in a bar where she works, saves her from an attack, administers the serum which will transform her to a pet and that's how their romance starts.

As kinky captive romances go, this one didn't quite hit the spot for me. I mean, it just wasn't kinky enough. LOL. But that could be just my taste. Yes, she was transformed to his pet without her consent and eventually became his mate and that's about as kinky as it got.

All the same, this is an enjoyable read for lovers of sci-fi romance. Cari Silverwood writes with a good sense of humor and I will read more of her books.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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  1. Thanks for the review. As far as kink goes, this was spot on. I'm writing this as a low kink series to appeal to a broader audience and so I can let out my inner space opera, scifi-action geek. It has that undercurrent of Dominance and submission but it's not formalised.

    If you like my humor my latest book, Squirm - virgin captive of the billionaire biker tentacle monster may appeal to you. It's an erotic romance parody and is totally tongue in cheek..

    1. Hahaha. I understood that the kink title was perhaps tongue in cheek. Yeah, I connected with your inner scifi action geek. LOL. Thank, Cari. I thought the Squirm cover was totally hilarious. I will check it out.



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