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**COVER REVEAL** Scars by @ElenaMReyes #crazyisthenewcool #comingsoon


  Add to GoodreadsSynopsis  
Abandoned. Thrown away. Invisible. Every single one of those could be used to describe me. They can tell you my story—my sad past—without a single syllable passing through my lips. I hate them—those who lied to me. They claimed to love me, but in reality they used me when convenient. My parents. Sister. And now Talan. Loving them has left me empty. Sad.
Alone. Not anymore. Screw them. My love has turned to anger…hate. Now, what consumes me is the urge to destroy, to force them to see what they wrecked with their carelessness. My name will never be forgotten. Not after I have my revenge. His tears will be my ultimate retribution.
  scars 05 
  the series
Marking Her


Marking Him


About the authorElena
Elena M. Reyes was born and raised in Miami Florida. She is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would. As a small child, she was always intrigued with all forms of art—whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her first taste of writing came to her during her fifth grade year when her class was prompted to participate in the D. A. R. E. Program and write an essay on what they’d learned. Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure. It wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world. She now resides in Central Florida with her husband and son, spending all her down time letting her creativity flow and letting her characters grow.
  scars 03  
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Love Africa Book Club
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