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One unguarded moment changes everything @AuthorSharitaL #ColorofLoveHop #MMRomance #Giveaway

Violinist Frederick Tremblay is one of the biggest names in classical music. When it comes to work, he’s all in with no time for love. Hell, he barely makes time to eat. When he agrees to play at an acquaintance's son's birthday party he figures he’ll go in, make his rounds, then go home—but his plans change when he walks into the path of Vaughan Singleton.

Vaughan "Sin" Singleton is the disowned heir to a candy empire. Joining the military was the thing to save him and also the one thing that brought him to his knees. Forced to retire, slinging alcohol wasn’t his dream but he needs something to pay the bills and to assist with easing back into civilian life. Vaughan isn’t looking for love, but one unguarded moment with Frederick changes everything.

Stay with us from November 23rd until December 3rd as we feature a new book and author each day. Make sure you leave a comment in each post for your chance to win a copy of the book featured.

There is also a Gift Card giveaway. You will need to complete the rafflecopter entries for your chance to win that.

Here are some of the Color of Love featured books. There's something for everyone. Support our featured authors, buy a book.


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Don't forget to check out the other authors and bloggers participating in this event. The more blogs you visit and leave a comment, the more likely you'll win a prize.

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